Device Cast Vote Records - JBC - C0269F GENERAL 2020 NOV 3 PRES SCHD MORAN CITY AISD Polling Place: ED - Moran Community Center Total CVRs: 85 Precinct: 303-MORAN CITY Cont. Party: NP Contest Title Candidate/Option W. Stacy Trotter Justice, 11th Court of Appeals District,|Place No. 3 - Unexpired Term Joe Edd Boaz District Attorney, 259th Judicial District Rollin N. Rauschl County Attorney Edward 'Ed' Miller Sheriff / Tax Assessor-Collector Lanham Martin County Commissioner, Precinct No. 3 DONOVON BOYETT Write-in Constable No Selection City Council||Moran No Selection Dora Cook Leonard Tyler George No Selection Board Members||Hospital No Selection Chris Beard Myra Hise 9/6/2022 4:37:32PM Page 49 of 49